Payroll Service

#NoOverTimeClub With

Convenient payroll process and hassle free with Payroll Service


would be unhappy if we were taken away


more daily usage than other collaboration apps


Focus Your HRD Function on What Matters More

Jangan biarkan HRD Anda hanya tenggelam di urusan administrasi & personalia saja. Percayakan kedua hal ini pada Layanan Payroll dan jadikan HRD lebih percaya diri dalam membantu membangun bisnis Anda.


would be unhappy if we were taken away


more daily usage than other collaboration apps


Payroll Service Scope of Work

Tim spesialis payroll kami akan membantu proses penggajian dari awal sampai tuntas (termasuk PPh21 & BPJS). Berikut adalah hal-hal krusial yang dapat tim kami bantu:

Compare Payroll Service
VS Without Payroll Service

Categories To Be Compared
Using Payroll Service
Without Payroll Service
Number of HRD personnel required to manage administrative & personnel
At least 1 person as the company's PIC
According to the needs
Learning Curve
Very low (Close to none)
Require special training to use the system
Reporting will be communicated based on initial agreement before submission
Dependent upon company's HRD team
Data Transparency
User can access system and check the entire available data
Dependent upon company's HRD team
Data Security
Guaranteed and monitored
Dependent upon company's HRD team
HRD workload to manage payroll and employee attendance data
Minimum (HRD only needs to verify submitted report at end of month)
Require a capable HRD to handle both workloads
Tax Regulation Updates
User will be notified with changes within the workforce regulation and the impact of current payroll system.
Users will be notified when there is a change within the employment regulation
Consequences of changing HRD Personnel Change
Minimum (HRD personnel will be informed of the current system and any change to know)
Significant (HRD new personnel needs to undergo a special training to get familiarized with the existing system)

Compare Payroll Service
VS Without Payroll Service

Categories To Be Compared

Payroll Service

Payroll Service

Jumlah personil HRD yang diperlukan untuk mengurus administrasi & personalia

At least 1 person as the company's PIC

According to the needs

Learning Curve

Very low (Close to none)

Require special training to use the system


Reporting will be communicated based on initial agreement before submission

Dependent upon company's HRD team

Data Transparency

User can access system and check the entire available data

Dependent upon company's HRD team

Data Security

Guaranteed and monitored

Dependent upon company's HRD team

Beban kerja tim HRD untuk mengurus penggajian & data absensi karyawan

Minimum (HRD only needs to verify submitted report at end of month)

Require a capable HRD to handle both workloads

Tax Regulation Updates

User will be notified with changes within the workforce regulation and the impact of current payroll system.

Users will be notified when there is a change within the employment regulation

Consequences of changing HRD Personnel Change

Minimum (HRD personnel will be informed of the current system and any change to know)

Significant (HRD new personnel needs to undergo a special training to get familiarized with the existing system)


We are Always Here For You

You will have direct access to Ready Support team (SuSi) consisting of real human, not bot. SuSi team posses ample knowledge and experience and always ready to accompany and serve You.

Dipercaya Oleh Ribuan Perusahaan Dari Berbagai Industri di Indonesia


Can team assist in taxation data checking from the beginning?

Yes & including within our standard procedure. The checking process of tax & social service (BPJS) data will begin before the service rendered.=

Are there trainings for the use of features?

Yes and freely available for all users.

How long is the implementation and initial setup for this service?

Generally, it takes 5 working days but it might change according to complexity level and the number of employees.

Can transfer to employee be helped?

Yes, however, there has to be a discussion of the existing regulation.

Can permanent employees use the mobile application?

Yes and free.

Mudah Digunakan, Mudah Terhubung & Selalu Hadir Untuk Anda

Full Support Implementation Process

Loyally assist during implementation & training process

Migration Transition From Existing Platform

Faster & easier transition to with the help of an experienced team

Excellent After Sales Service

SuSi (Support Siaga) Team always ready to help optimize the use of

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