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The Right Solution for Your HR Management delivers efficiency in company's HR management with speed, accuracy, safety, convenience suitable for the user's needs.


Satu platform yang mampu menjawab semua kebutuhan pengelolaan HR di berbagai level bisnis


Optimize human resource productivity to deliver time & cost efficiency, and positive company growth

HR Manager

Efficient, quick and clean employee management administrative works

Finance Manager

Accurate and quick wage, overtime & reimbursement calculations

IT Manager

Secure, integrated and easy access employee data


Optimize human resource productivity to deliver time & cost efficiency, and positive company growth

HR Manager

Efficient, quick and clean employee management administrative works

Finance Manager

Accurate and quick wage, overtime & reimbursement calculations

IT Manager

Secure, integrated and easy access employee data

Business Type can be used to accomodate needs for all business types.


Quick and efficient employee and payroll administrative works


Integrated administrative & payroll from multi vendors


Simple tax calculations for freelancers


Quick and efficient employee and payroll administrative works


Integrated administrative & payroll from multi vendors


Simple tax calculations for freelancers

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the implementation process?

Depends on the number of employee & complexity of member's needs. In average, implementation process will take 5 working days when all data is ready & submitted by user.

I'm busy and can't take care of the implementation, what should I do?

We will adjust to your schedule and ready to help prepare everything. However, it should be noted that the presence of two parties is required in the implementation process to ensure that all the things needed are appropriate.

Are there additional costs for implementation & training?

There is no charge for the initial implementation, and for training there will also be 2x free visits within the Jabodetabek area. For areas outside Jabodetabek, only transportation and accommodation costs will be charged.

Is there any other certification regarding the security of already has ISO 9001.2015 and ISO 21001.2013, apart from that conducts pentests regularly, pentest certificates can be given to members.
How do I pay to subscribe to HRIS
Payments can be made flexibly, namely monthly or annually, so it doesn't burden the company.
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