General Business Type

Automate Management & HR Admin Works to Improve & Accelerate Company's Growth

Absensi akurat, payroll cepat, rekrutmen yang terukur & berbagai fitur dari memberikan efektifitas pada pekerjaan HR untuk layanan tipe bisnis umum sehingga berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan usaha Anda.

Answer Various HR Problems With The Right Solution

Berbagai fitur memberikan solusi bagi HR untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah yang sering muncul dalam perusahaan, mulai yang paling umum sampai paling rumit sekalipun.


Perhitungan payroll, tunjangan & sanksi rumit sehingga penggajian bisa terlambat

Unclear tax reporting

Various employee needs such as leaves quota, attendance, and others

Administrasi tidak rapi & terlalu banyak proses manual


Formulated payroll to deliver a more accurate payroll calculation delivers detail PPh report

Fitur E-Plus siap menjawab semua kebutuhan karyawan & dapat diakses secara mandiri

Buat jadi lebih mudah dengan penyimpanan & pengarsipan di

Other Solutions

Optimize Your HR operational management with the help of integrated solution


Integrasi sistem administrasi & penggajian dari berbagai vendor


Simple tax calculations for freelancers

Dipercaya Oleh Ribuan Perusahaan Dari Berbagai Industri di Indonesia

“ has brought PT. Gold Coin Indonesia entering the era of digitalization in managing Human Resources and is one step ahead. Speed ​​in implementation, helpdesk support and applications that are continuously updated to meet customer needs in the future are things that I value as's strengths. Thanks to, all employee transaction processes at PT. Gold Coin Indonesia has been digitized and real-time wherever our employees are throughout Indonesia."

Erwin Ruzwar

AVP Human Resource

“ has brought PT. Gold Coin Indonesia entering the era of digitalization in managing Human Resources and is one step ahead. Speed ​​in implementation, helpdesk support and applications that are continuously updated to meet customer needs in the future are things that I value as's strengths. Thanks to, all employee transaction processes at PT. Gold Coin Indonesia has been digitized and real-time wherever our employees are throughout Indonesia."

Erwin Ruzwar

AVP Human Resource

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