Outsourcing Business Type

One Platform to Efficiently Monitor and Develop HR Scattered in Various Companies

Monitoring employees' work attendance is more accurate & real time, HR report in various companies is now quicker and automated as well as client's document management system to evaluate performance.

Solusi HR Untuk Bisnis Dengan Karyawan Tersebar & Perhitungan Kompleks

Berbagai fitur Gaji.id mampu menjadi solusi berbagai masalah HR dalam bisnis yang mengandalkan outsource & memiliki tingkat kompleksitas tinggi.


Masing-masing klien punya aturan sendiri dalam hal penggajian & aturan kerja

Difficulty to monitor employees dispersed everywhere

Each client has their own PICs

Perhitungan tunjangan shift malam & lintas hari yang rumit


Gaji.id is ready with solutions for different policies for every client

Shift allowance is available and ready to use

Gaji.id can provide access to respective PIC to monitor the team

Fitur perhitungan tunjangan Gaji.id sudah siap dipakai & dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan

Other Solutions

Optimize Your HR operational management with the help of Gaji.id integrated solution


Administrasi karyawan & sistem penggajian yang lebih cepat dan efisien


Simple tax calculations for freelancers

Dipercaya Oleh Ribuan Perusahaan Dari Berbagai Industri di Indonesia

“Gaji.id has brought PT. Gold Coin Indonesia entering the era of digitalization in managing Human Resources and is one step ahead. Speed ​​in implementation, helpdesk support and applications that are continuously updated to meet customer needs in the future are things that I value as Gaji.id's strengths. Thanks to Gaji.id, all employee transaction processes at PT. Gold Coin Indonesia has been digitized and real-time wherever our employees are throughout Indonesia."

Erwin Ruzwar

AVP Human Resource

“Gaji ID telah membawa PT. Gold Coin Indonesia memasuki era digitalisasi dalam pengelolaan Human Resource dan selangkah lebih maju. Kecepatan dalam implementasi, support helpdesk dan aplikasi yang terus diperbaharui untuk memenuhi kebutuhan customer di masa mendatang adalah hal yang saya nilai sebagai keunggulan Gaji ID. Berkat Gaji ID, semua proses transaksi karyawan PT. Gold Coin Indonesia sudah terdigitalisasi dan real time dimanapun karyawan kami berada di seluruh Indonesia.”

Erwin Ruzwar

AVP Human Resource

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