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Freelance Business Type

Customize Employee Admin Management From Various HR Service Provider

PPh21 calculation is more accurate! Performance grading of various service providers can also be tailored as needed.

HR Solution For Businesses With Freelance Workforce

Berbagai fitur mampu menjawab berbagai solusi masalah HR dalam bisnis yang mengandalkan tenaga kerja lepas .


Complex & prone to error PPh21 calculation

Requirement to produce monthly proof of 1721 A1

Various pay components calculations

SOLUTIONS PPh21 calculation is proven accurate & trusted by hundreds of clients

1721 A1 tax cut proof is accessible & downloadable every month

Payroll components arrangement and calculation can be tailored with the company's needs

Other Solutions

Optimize Your HR operational management with the help of integrated solution


Quick and efficient employee and payroll administrative works


Integrated administrative & payroll from multi vendors

Dipercaya Oleh Ribuan Perusahaan Dari Berbagai Industri di Indonesia

“ has brought PT. Gold Coin Indonesia entering the era of digitalization in managing Human Resources and is one step ahead. Speed ​​in implementation, helpdesk support and applications that are continuously updated to meet customer needs in the future are things that I value as's strengths. Thanks to, all employee transaction processes at PT. Gold Coin Indonesia has been digitized and real-time wherever our employees are throughout Indonesia."

Erwin Ruzwar

AVP Human Resource

“Gaji ID telah membawa PT. Gold Coin Indonesia memasuki era digitalisasi dalam pengelolaan Human Resource dan selangkah lebih maju. Kecepatan dalam implementasi, support helpdesk dan aplikasi yang terus diperbaharui untuk memenuhi kebutuhan customer di masa mendatang adalah hal yang saya nilai sebagai keunggulan Gaji ID. Berkat Gaji ID, semua proses transaksi karyawan PT. Gold Coin Indonesia sudah terdigitalisasi dan real time dimanapun karyawan kami berada di seluruh Indonesia.”

Erwin Ruzwar

AVP Human Resource

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